Rapists and pedophiles are usually YOUR OWN FRIENDS AND FAMILY!!
There are rapists and pedophiles in your government, police force, hospitals, day cares, schools, grocery stores, restaurants , corporate america, all religions, etc. There is no place on earth that is rapist and pedophile free. The world has failed to identify, catch and punish all the sickos in the world and religion is in the same situation. It also does not have an answer to these vile and disgusting people who hide among us. Clearly all of mankind has failed to protect our children and women. I think all crimes against a child should have their punishment tripled or quadrupled and the law should force all religions and people with any knowledge of a rape or molestation to the police or face prison. We also need mandatory sentences in rape convictions as judges can not be trusted to provide justice. They let rapists walk free or with a slap on the wrist its sickening. My 2 cents
Regarding the united nations... America and the united nations are spoken abusively all the time by good old Americans and every nation on earth. Then they cry for help and use the laws to benefit themselves. In this matter I see the jws as just like everybody else no more evil then anybody else. My 2 cents...